Termite Treatment| Termite Control| Termite control Management| Termite spray for Home

Termite Control


  • The warranty period is two years.
  • Free Service in the Warranty Period.
  • Inspection of the entire home premises along with client consultation.

Service Details:

  • We follow the Drill-Fill-Seal Process
  • Every 1 foot, we drill 45-degree with a 10mm drill bit holes in the house's walls at the skirting level.
  • Care Warrior termite control treatment chemical solution is filled in the holes, which controls the termites inside the house as well as termite colonies.
  • After filling holes with termite control treatment chemical solutions, the holes are filled with white cement.


The service warranty is two years. There is no charge for chemicals or services for termite control during this time period.


  • During the warranty period, warranty-backed service includes free termite treatment of termite-infested areas.
  • It absolutely kills termites, whereas regular pest control just repels them.
  • It is tremendously effective, hassle-free, and a safe treatment used in all developed countries.
  • Infested woodwork is protected with chemicals that will not just kill the existing termites but also protect it from future termite infestation.

when most people are worried about the risk of termite infestations. However, another important question some people have is, "Are termites harmful to humans?" Termites bite humans, but these bites are not toxic and have only indirect effects on human health. From the chemicals that may be used to kill or repel termites. Anyone dealing with a termite infestation should consider hiring a pest control expert to ensure that appropriate chemicals are used and applied safely.

Care Warrior is the ideal organization for making your home termite-free.

Care Warrior applies for termite treatment with a world-class chemical. It will make your home termite-free as well as harmless to humans, and pets, and environmentally responsible.

Prevention is better than cure. This is not only applicable to human health. This can apply to your home's wood health also. The reason is that termite damage can be costly and termites can be difficult to eradicate. Care Warrior termite prevention treatment will give stress-free life about termite issues in your home.

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